Monday, July 19, 2010


Let's rewind about 8 weeks...I was paranoid about summer.

I have two boys - 7 and 3 - and they fight. A lot. I wasn't sure I'd be able to survive the summer. I wasn't sleeping. I was getting migraines several times a week (okay, that was another problem and has been resolved) but I was a mess. I never thought I would survive the summer. I wasn't looking forward to it at all.

I started researching camps, classes and memberships to all sorts of different places and things. I spent a lot of money on pool membership, Cub Scouts camp, Art Camp and Preschool Camp. More money that I would have wanted to spend, but it was worth it.

We've had a wonderful summer. We've spent 3 to 4 days a week a the pool. My oldest son loved his week-long Cub Scouts camp and Art Camp and learned quite a bit in the process. My youngest son is enjoying his Monday mornings at Preschool camp during this last month of summer.

The key is to KEEP THEM BUSY. They are hardly fighting at all. In fact, they have been so sweet and nice to each other in the past week I'm wondering if they've been replaced with different kids. Last night they even had a sleepover in one of their rooms!

I'm not happy that there are only 5 weeks left in the's gone way too fast and I've enjoyed it way too much. I never thought I would have enjoyed it so much or that we'd be having so much fun!

Ask me again next May - I'll probably be in the same situation as I was 8 weeks ago...but for now I'm enjoying the beautiful summer days that I have left!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you are having a fun summer! Maybe something that helped was that you were also busy with things you were interested in doing. It's true, as long as mom is happy - everyone else has a way better chance of being happy!
