Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Life Is Short

So, my brother in law shared this image on his FaceBook page today. I just had to steal it!

It's exactly what I've been blogging. And why I've been blogging.

It's your life. If you don't like something in it, change it. It might not be easy and it might take awhile to make changes...but no one is stopping you.

Don't complain about your problems. Fix them.

Enjoy every meal as if it's your last. Don't count calories every day. Savor the sweets, the salty, the rich.

Have a glass of wine (or two). Or have that beer or heavens even hard liquor. Enjoy it with friends, family and loved ones. You might not have a tomorrow to do it.

Remember every decision you make if only yours to make. You don't have to explain it to anyone (okay, maybe your husband or wife) but do what makes you happy and deal with the consequences later.

Remember it's easier to ask for forgiveness than it is permission :)

But lastly, as the poster says - life is short, live your dream and share your passion. And remember...it's a beautiful day!

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